Kat’s Thursday and Friday

Happy Friday!

Yesterday, I had a very busy day. It began with a brisk walk to Dinand to prepare for my presentation later that day.

another day in worcester!

After another tough dance class, I presented on the Democratic Republic of Congo, I think it went okay! Then I headed to the Administration building for Worcester Public Schools to be trained as a substitute teacher. Once this was finished, I headed to Stein with some fellow TEPers to attend an event called “Inside the Hiring Process” which was very interesting and helpful for the job search I have ahead of me.

hard at work in the post office

After my Geometry class on Friday, I stopped by the post office to pick up a package and then prepped for my Urban Education class.


We had the day off on Thursday for practice, but today the team had to work on the scout for Sunday’s game and get back to business.

hydration is key
happy friday!





After practice, I spent time with my roommates eating dinner and watching a movie!  week left of There is only one week left of classes (crazy) so this weekend is going to involve a lot of time in the library. Thank you for reading my posts this week…I enjoyed being able to share my daily adventures!


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