The Life of Ty

Hey everyone! My name is Ty Bramer and I am a senior math major in the TEP Prgram. I am thrilled to take you all through my week…stick around for some cool content – I like to stay busy!

So today I kicked things off by going to my morning math class. I really had to pay attention today because one of my classmates (who you have already come to know and love – Victoria!) fell ill over the weekend. No, she did not have too much candy, we are just at that point in the semester where everyone seems to be getting sick.

After that I took my talents over to my observation for seventh grade at Sullivan Middle School with Ms. Yayra Perkins. She is the perfect match for me. She has this calming presence when she is in front of the class, which I will need to see in her come spring when I am the one up front. To start the week this week, she decided to continue with her student-centered rotation stations. Now, I was not able to capture the action, but I hope you enjoy these photos of the layout of her classroom.

Here is Ms. Perkins and her room!
I Love the color of her walls!

After observation, I paid a visit to my advisor so I can enroll in classes for the last time this Thursday. It is a pretty bittersweet feeling, as this is the beginning of the “firsts” of the “lasts”. Then I had a little chat with our Program Coordinator, Meg Ober, who has been so flexible and open to all of us when MB went on maternity leave. Then, we had a LOT of work to do. So now we are here with you all, watching my Cowboys lose to the Giants (insert eye roll emoji) and planning out the rest of the week.

Stick around! I have some exciting stuff planned for you all.


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