Suzanne’s Thursday

Hello! Today I do not have too much to report, but I will keep you updated nonetheless 🙂

My morning started with my 9:30-12:00, two and a half hour, seminar. This is one of the three three hundred level english classes that I had to take this semester so that I could fit all of my requirements in before student teaching next semester! This class is called Hybrid Forms Hybrid Selves, and it is all about hybrid pieces of literature- essentially its a mix between poetry and prose and autobiography. It’s a pretty cool class and the two and a half hours are not nearly as painful as they could be. This morning I decided to walk to class (for the first time ever I always drive to Linden Lane and risk getting a ticket). It also happened to be 20 degrees this morning and my hands almost froze off because I of course had to bring my iced coffee. Here is a picture of my new Starbucks cold cup that I am obsessed with.

After class I went to the gym and then went back home where a reporter working on a piece about athletes at Holy Cross and the community called me for an interview about the recent Nativity food drive up at Hart/Luth which just wrapped up with the end of October.

Next I headed back on Campus to the library where I buckled down to write my essay which is still a work in progress. Here is a picture of my friend Lilly keeping me company at one of Dinand’s finest main room tables!

By the time we left the library at about 8:00 the campus was covered in snow!! I am honestly really excited because I love Christmas and full disclosure I started listening to Christmas music this weekend. Driving home from the lib was actually kind of tough because the snow was accumulating so quickly, but I’m sure the plows will have it handled ASAP.

Here is a pretty blurry picture that I took out my window of the snow because now that I am inside I am too warm to go and take a real picture 🙂 Thanks for reading happy Thursday and TGIF tomorrow!!!

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