Tuesday- Student Teaching!

Hi all!!

I am taking over the blog this week and will be updating frequently on my daily activities in the life of a student teacher:)

I start all my days off by heading to the gym before work, I usually go around 6:30 (I forgot a picture, but tomorrow for sure!).

Here is a picture of my classroom at school:

I taught two-lessons today on two-step equations, as I have fully taken over two classes now! The kids had extra energy today as they just came back from February Vacation…:)


Later tonight I just spent time planning my lesson for tomorrow! 120 copies later, everything is prepped!

I will check in with you all tomorrow! Hopefully with more pics this time:)

Hello friends!

I am very happy and well-rested right now because its…. SPRING BREAK! A little break from student-teaching is always nice and necessary. Here is what I did for the weekend of my first Spring Break as a teacher!

My best friend Carolina came up from New York to visit for the weekend! So of course, we had to get Thai food!
Headed to Mohegan Sun with the girls to watch an MMA fight! We all met at boxing 😀
The arena!
I was even able to stop by Holy Cross and catch up with a couple alums who were visiting for the weekend!
Last but not least, ice skating! Always grateful to have someone tie my skates

This weekend was amazing and taking a break from lesson planning was necessary. I think it is important to remember that even the best teachers have a life outside of school. Finding time for friends and family is the most important thing to remember!

Have a good break y’all!

Student teaching… day before break!

Hola Amigos!

I am very excited because… it is the final day before break! Although I have only been student-teaching for a few weeks, I think a break is necessary. Teaching is a very time consuming job… when I am not teaching, I am lesson planning, and when I am not lesson planning, I am thinking about teaching! I have even had a few dreams about delivering lessons!

Here is the run down of the day:

Color wars at Burncoat High… the seniors went all out!
Had a little break in the day to go to an interview for a teaching position! #Adulting
Came back to Burncoat just in time to teach my last two periods of the day!

The day before break was exciting for all students and teachers! The students attended a pep rally the last period of the day to show their school spirit… Now off to break!





Valentine’s Day- Teacher Edition

Feliz día de San Valentín! (Happy Valentines Day!)

Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays! I just love the concept of letting everyone you care about know that you love them <3

Here is how I am spending my Valentine’s Day, as a teacher!

Woke up to a clean car (from the snow last night) and a little gift from my Valentine on my windshield wipers!
Beautiful view making my way into Burncoat High School!
Slow day during office duty… time to work on this blog!
Me pretending to be okay after Ms. Castillo told me she has not read my blog
Valentine’s Day tradition… get mama some flowers!


All in all, I could say that this Valentine’s was one for the books! I asked my students what they had planned for Valentine’s Day… majority of students said their plan was to sleep!

Whether you spent time with loved ones or slept through this special day, hope you had a good one!


Snow Day as a Student-Teacher

Bienvenidos amigos!

Its that time of the year for delays and snow days! We have been pretty lucky since we have not yet had a full week of school. Last week, we had two snow days and a delay… I am not complaining! As much as I love my students, it is  nice to sleep in and spend extra time with friends and family… Here was how I spent my snow day!

Me when Worcester Public Schools announced a snow day yesterday!


Getting an early start to the gym before the storm!
Post-gym, featuring protein shakes
Homemade lunch with dad!
Baking with a friend… Rolling up the cookies!
Smiling because… cookies.
Pro tip- Double the amount of chocolate chips in the recipe

Overall, I had a relaxing day! Other than going to the gym and eating, I was also able to lesson plan, nap, watch The Office, and… eat more food! It has been an easy start to the week… let’s see how the rest of the week plays out!


Welcome to Jailene’s student teaching!

Bienvenidos amigos!

This semester has been very different from my previous semester! I am so busy, but enjoying every second of it 😀

SO, I commute everyday to Burncoat High School, no longer do I live at Holy Cross! I am taking over Spanish classes for the wonderful Señora Suarez.

Here is the run down on my typical day as a Student-Teacher:
Coffee #1! Messy room and funny mugs!

In my last blog, I talked about my gym routine every morning at 5:30am…. not anymore!

LARGE coffee #2… At Burncoat High School!


Welcome to Spirit week! (Semana del Espíritu Escolar)
Post-gym session cuddles with my favorite man, Marshall!
Favorite part of the day…. food!

Overall, I had the typical busy day at Burncoat High School (hence the lack of pictures during the day). However, I did not have my typical Monday department meetings, so I was able to enjoy my time at the gym, with family and cook a yummy dinner!






STUDENT TEACHING: Thursday and Friday!

Things got very hectic towards the end of the week. On Thursday one of my students who had not been in class for about two weeks handed in all of his missing work and we had a small chat about his path to success. It was so nice to see him working hard towards catching up.



Thursday night I spent about 4 hours cutting up paper with my roommates in order to make this cool puzzle game for my period 2 class. I had to make Fridays fun but I also wanted to show off my craft skills during my observation. I was very nervous but it all went well, my students were very engaged and seemed to have fun with the puzzle pieces!

Friday I taught period 2 all by myself for the first time. This class is perhaps my most challenging class, not only due to the class size but also the various learning styles. I am very excited yet nervous to start teaching this class but I know I will grow so much as a teacher. Photo Credits to Ms. Muñoz for the great picture.


All great teachers know how to have fun in and outside of the classroom. This is a picture of Ms. Muñoz and I at the Holy Cross 100 Days Ball.

Thank you for joining me on my journey!

-Bioribel Castillo’19






Meg Ober surprised me today during my period two! She observed my class for a bit and then we made our way down to HR to take care of some paperwork. I truly can’t express how helpful the TEP staff has been throughout my journey. A HUGE S/O to Kate Riley, Meg Ober, Professor Capotosto, Professor Lopez and of course Mary Meth Cashman! You all make TEP a home for me.

Just another day doing teacher things! I had two amazing lessons today. Teaching for me is all about being yourself. You have to show the students that despite all of the expectations that they have on their shoulders they are more than enough. Being goofy and admitting my mistakes when I make them helps me become a better teacher. I am a work in progress and so are my students. We are growing together and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the current version of ourselves because we are all working towards who we want to become!

Okay enough rambling….

The whole gang is here! I learn so much from each and very single one of the TEP Student Teachers! We have class on Wednesday 3:30-6, always working hard to become better teachers and better people. As well as trying to manage sleep, healthy eating habits, lesson plans, making copies, the gym, campus jobs, volunteer programs, friends, and walking up and down these hills!

Me: “Okay everyone, please answer the following question using the subjunctive.

question: “what don’t you want your friend to do?”

answer: “I don’t want my friend to be stopid”

Jus another day on the job!


My mornings consist of prepping for my classes. This is also a great time to get to know other teachers in the building and plan for the week.

During 5th Period Mr. Davis and I have office duty! I am still trying to get the hang of things but answering the phone and writing slips can be very fun.

My afternoons back on The Hill consist of meetings with my mentees and my usual salad! I have 5 mentees (first years) and its a very reflective experience and its awesome to see their growth throughout their first year on campus.

There is a lot happening on campus and since I spend most of my time away I like to keep up with events and support as much as I can. I took some time to stop by the Fenwick where many of my HC peers gathered to protest the recent sexual misconducts that occurred on campus. It’s important for me to continue to support my peers, especially as a senior.



Correcting papers and lesson planning, the hustle never stops! A huge S/O to these dinning dollar for the snacks.

I am currently working on a project to bring clothing donations to students at Burncoat High. The school has an awesome closet where students can grab clothes when they need it and everything that is not used at the end of the year is donated. Many of my friends have donated and I am really excited to bring these clothes to BCHS! <3

Defeated but content. See ya’ll tomorrow!




S/O to my great bus driver Lenny for picking me up at 6:40am SHARP! He has been driving me to Burncoat High School since I was a sophomore, he’s very kind and we love to talk about sports.


For the first time this semester there was some sunlight as I entered the historic Burncoat High School! Of course it would not be Burncoat without my TEP partner in crime Jailene Muñoz. We have lunch together almost everyday and we cheer one another on throughout our long days.


Nothing screams Monday like a fire drill!! Everyone is safe, we just had a small problem with the heating system. During our fire drill one of my students gave me a bookmark that he made himself. Liam, is very productive in class and always has a fun comment about the material. After years of theoretically advocating for inclusion in the classroom, I finally get to experience all of the hard work that it takes. Students like Liam make every single one of my essays worthwhile.


We visited, ThornDyke Road Elementary School. I got to observe Ms. Suarez, Jailene, and their students deliver a Spanish lesson to 6th graders. They had so much fun, the students were very interactive and the high school students did a great job with their lessons.


Prep time consist of organizing my desk and making worksheets for my lessons. I also take this time to implement some reflective practice and talk to Mr. Davis about what I feel went really well and what needs to be improved during my lessons.

                                             We had a Principals meeting today.





A crazy salad for dinner + being completely defeated!



-Bioribel Castillo’19